Everyone is susceptible to scams as scammers do not target any particular group of people. Scams catch you off guard as it passes off similar to the real thing if you are not vigilant. Here are some of the tips we have if you find yourself in such situations.
Spot the signs for scams
Ever receive an email or SMS about being a lucky winner and a link to click to redeem the prize? While there are various types of scams, if you find yourself wondering if it’s too good to be true, it is best to listen to your suspicions and delete them immediately.
Compile evidence
If you have fallen victim to said scams, it is most ideal to cut off all contact with the scammers. Instead, gather all the information and evidence that you can. Gather copies of any account statements, invoices, emails, SMS, or any other documents that are relevant to the scam.
Report to the relevant authorities
In any instance, always make a police report. Did you know that you can file a police report online? For cases that do not require immediate police action, you can make a police report online.
Protect yourself against scams
Do not click on any links or attachments if you are unsure of the origin. Simply delete them from your mailbox or phone. And always hang up immediately if you answer a call that is automated.
Choose passwords that are hard for others to guess. A good password should be a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. It is good practice to not repeat your passwords for your different accounts and to not share them with anyone.
You may think that it might not happen to you but scams and scammers are improving every day. Last year, our company was also targeted for phishing and impersonation. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. If you would like to find out more, have a read about what are the steps we took to report them.